Legal information

Legal form : SASU, Simplified Joint Stock Company with a sole shareholder
Registered office : 9 Imp. de la Remarde, 91340 Ollainville
Identification number (SIREN) : 977 534 114

The Company is registered with the Trade and Companies Register of Évry.

Publication Director : Faure


This site is hosted by Hostinger International Ltd, whose registered office is located at 61 Lordou Vironos str. 6023 Larnaca, Cyprus.

Privacy policy

The Company respects your privacy and complies with the current regulations regarding the protection of personal data. For more information on how we collect and use your personal data, please refer to our Privacy Policy.

Intellectual property rights

The content of this site is the property of the Company and is protected by copyright laws. Any reproduction, distribution, or use of this content without the prior written consent of the Company is strictly prohibited.

Limitation of liability

The Company cannot be held responsible for errors or omissions in the information disseminated or technical issues encountered on the site and on all other sites to which we provide links, or for any interpretation of the information published on these sites, as well as the consequences of their use.

For any questions regarding these legal notices, please contact us at the following address:

Last update date : 12/20/2023